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Cat & Dog Shedding Tips & Tricks

Cat & Dog Shedding Tips & Tricks

Whilst it’s typical for cats and dogs to shed all year round, this is especially apparent during the spring and autumn. They will shed their sleek summer coats, and grow out their thicker winter coats to help keep them warm during the cooler months. To help them along the way, it is important that we groom them regularly to help remove dead hair and dander. This is especially important in cats to prevent hair blockage in the digestive system known as hair balls. We’ve got you covered this season with our top picks to help ease your pet through their coat change.

For Cats

Ancol Cat Moulting Comb £6.95


Zoom Groom Cat £6.95

cat comb

Ancol Ergo Fine Cat Comb £5.99

 fine comb

M&C Defurr-um 70g (Hairball Paste) £5.64

Vitakraft Cat Grass 120g £3.74

Vitakraft Cat Grass 120g is a selection of special seeds which are capable of sprouting into good quality grass rich in vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll. This delicious Cat Grass stimulates digestion and helps cats to bring up potentially dangerous hair balls which can form in the stomach, and can be quite unpleasant. A fantastic diet supplement that is invaluable to any cat and requires no chemical additive, making it 100% natural!

Groomi Tool £23.95

For Dogs

Ancol Ergo Stripping Comb £9.50

Ancol Ergo Shedmaster Grooming Tool Medium £14.51

Ancol Medium Shedding Blade £8.94

Animology Hair Of The Dog Anti Tangle 250ml £5.75

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